Computer Vision

Computer-related vision problems are becoming widespread in the world today. In America, workers are staring at a computer screen for seven hours or more and then go home to watch TV or stare at a personal tablet until bedtime. Besides neck and shoulder strain, this screen time is also causing blurry vision, dry eyes, and headaches. Younger patients are experiencing symptoms of computer vision as more technology is introduced sooner in all levels of school.

The human eye is trying to keep up with all the smartphones, gaming systems, computers, and tablets flooding into all aspects of life.

Adverse environmental conditions can also lead to body aches and pains, such as poor lighting, light glare on the computer screen, poor seated posture, and untreated eye conditions.

One of the best treatments available for computer vision syndrome (CVS) is done by the patient even before seeing the eye doctor. It is the 20-20-20 Rule. When staring at any type of screen, every 20 minutes, the patient should look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. The break from the screen allows the eyes to refocus and rest for a short time and eye strain can be slightly relieved

Dr. Jodi Shepard can help patients with CVS. Several options are available for monitoring and caring for digital eye strain. Regular care is important to prevent small problems from becoming larger. Correct ergonomic recommendations will be given for correct screen use. Blue light blocking glasses are also recommended for patients with increased computer and tablet time.

Call (510) 921-5242 for an appointment to discuss your options for digital eye strai

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